For indoor-only kitties proof of current veterinary administered rabies, and FVRCP vaccinations is required. For those kitties who also spend time outdoors, even if it is only on the patio, we also require current FeL/Fiv vaccination.
In addition, each guest must have a flea treatment that kills flea eggs, such as Advantage, Revolution, Bravecto, or Effipro, prior to boarding.
For the benefit and protection of everyone at Kitty Cottage, guests must be neutered or spayed and free of fleas. Should a guest be found to have fleas, a flea treatment will be administered at the owner's expense for a charge of $65.00. If needed, a subsequent treatment would be $90.00.
We hope your kitty doesn't require veterinary care while staying with us, but just in case, we require written permission to make medical decisions in your absence. Therefore, we keep your veterinarian's phone number, address, and a brief medical history on file. If we need to take your kitty to the vet, a $30 charge would apply. In the event that your veterinarian is unavailable, we would seek emergency care at Tufts Veterinary Emergency Treatment & Specialties in Walpole.